

Delphi OpenAL board

Delphi (and one Java) OpenAL examples Uses OpenAL.pas header file, but seems to have a memory leak problem. Uses oooal.pas and different oal header files. No more memory leaks. I have edited oooal.pas file a bit.
* added state property using al_source_state method
* added playing boolean readonly property
* added loop boolean read-write property (more transparent oriented than TALInt type)
* LoadFromFile support reloading a new file, previous crashed if a new file was reloaded. Now you can reuse existing TALObject instance
* file is _always_ set to LOOP=false mode. User must call loop:=true if looping playback is wanted. I think this is what we expect to happen and how we use OAL library.
* added a shortcut methods alutInit and alutExit, so users of ooal.pas does not need to import alut unit just for using these two small methods
* modified unit1.pas test program, now you can select wav files to be played, added STATUS button to query current state of sound1 and sound2

Ooops: just noticed does not have the header files, see OOOALTest.dpr file file references. You must copy the following files from other examples found is this site.
OpenAL_Header/Alut.pas, OpenAL_Header/ALTypes.pas, OpenAL_Header/Al.pas, OpenAL_Header/Alc.pas, OpenAL_Header/AlcTypes.pas

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